Wake the False Red Mountain.

2018 is my year of music, let me tell you. New albums from Black Veil Brides (already out), Breaking Benjamin (April), and Three Days Grace (March). And a new single from Poets of the Fall, which hopefully means a new album soon. I’ve shared, below, the latest singles released to promote each new album and I personally cannot wait to rock out to these amazing artists that I’ve loved for years. ♥

Oblivion and peace.

I wanted to share a video from my favorite band. No, seriously. They are my #1 in my Top 5, 10, etc… Poets of the Fall is a Finnish alternative rock band. This is a group that blends harmonies and melodies like I’ve never heard before. I discovered them after watching a MirrorMask fan-made video that used one of their earlier songs, “Illusion and Dream.” From that moment I was hooked and sought out their first album. Seven albums later and I am as in love with them now than when I first heard them.

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